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Things To Know Before Buying Sustainable Coffee Beans

Sustainable coffee Beans isn't a new trend; it's been around for decades. The biggest difference has been the affordability, and availability would likely have caused controversy before if it hadn't caught in on so big. But after a few decades of having a hankering for "smooth and spicy" that is not only healthy but a lot cheaper too, there are certain things to know before jumping in and buying one of your own.

What is Sustainable Coffee?

When you are buying sustainability coffee, there are a few things you need to be aware of. Sustainable coffee is coffee that is grown without the use of harmful pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides. This means that the coffee beans were not treated with chemicals that can be harmful to humans or the environment.

Benefits of buying sustainable coffee beans

There are a number of reasons to buy sustainable coffee beyond the obvious benefits of reducing your impact on the environment. Here are five reasons to consider when buying your beans:

1. You'll be supporting small producers. Small farmers who grow sustainably-certified coffee tend to be more self-sufficient and therefore better equipped to withstand adverse weather conditions and price fluctuations.

2. You'll get a better flavour. Sustainable coffee is typical of higher quality due to its lower acidity levels and richness in flavour compounds.

3. You'll have increased energy levels. A study from the University of South Carolina found that people who drink coffee with a higher environmental consciousness tend to have higher energy levels because the coffee helps them stay focused and alert.

4. You'll help prevent deforestation. Sustainable farming practices help protect forests by alternating crop use and ensuring that fruit or timber trees are not cleared for coffee production.

5. It's good for your wallet. Sustainable coffee beans usually cost a little more than conventionally-grown beans, but the overall cost of buying sustainable beans will likely be lower in the long run since you're likely to

Things to Consider When Buying Sustainable Coffee

When you're shopping for sustainable coffee, there are a few things to consider. Here are five tips:

1. Choose certified organic coffees. This is one of the most important things to look for when purchasing sustainable coffee. Certified organic coffees are grown without pesticides or synthetic fertilizers, and they're often free from deforestation and human rights abuses.

2. Try a blended variety. Some sustainable coffees are blends of both organic and conventional coffees, which gives you a more nuanced flavour profile in addition to being environmentally friendly.

3. Consider brewing your own coffee at home. This can save you a lot of money, and it's a great way to get to know what kinds of sustainable coffees work best for you.

4. Ask your retailer about certifications or initiatives they support. Many retailers offer special discounts or incentives for customers who buy certified organic or sustainably grown coffee beans, for example.

5. Make sure the packaging is recyclable or compostable. Sustainable coffee beans come in many different shapes and sizes, so it's important that the packaging can be recycled or composted appropriately.

Wrapping up,
While coffee is a healthy beverage, there are some things to know before buying sustainable coffee. In general, strictly sustainably grown coffee beans are more expensive, but the benefits of buying this type of coffee are worth it. When looking for sustainably grown coffee, look for certificates expressing the beans were grown without the use of pesticides, fungicides or other herbicides. Furthermore, be sure to ask the bean seller about their environmental practices.


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